Everybody’s Child Scottish premiere sells out

We had a wonderful sold-out Scottish premiere at the GFT tonight. The screening was followed by a Q&A with the Director Garry Fraser and Producer Aimara Reques, hosted by film critic Eddie Harrison. Many thanks to our great audience for coming along and we are terribly sorry for those that couldn’t get tickets.
Our film is part of the Great Scots strand which “supports your local film heroes as we present the best new productions from Scottish filmmakers and Scottish production companies”
It has been a great honour for us to join the GLASGOW FILM FESTIVAL‘s 10-year anniversary celebrations.
‘Everybody’s Child’ is a documentary in which recovering heroin addict and film director from Muirhouse, Garry Fraser, takes his audience to the heart of his community to try to understand why things went so wrong for him. He managed to overcome his addiction through filmmaking.
This project was possible thanks to the support of our great team and friends with financing from Creative Scotland and BBC Scotland.